- Introduction to C Programming
- Introduction to Compiler
- Structure of C program
- C Keyword, Variable & datatype
- C Constants
- Introduction to operators
- Input and Output (I/O)
- Statements and flow control
- Introduction with Loops
- Introduction to functions
- C Variable Scope
- Introduction to Arrays
- Character sequences (String)
- Pointer
- Dynamic Memory
- Structure
- Unions
- File Handling
- Memory Management functions malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() with examples
- Calculate the time taken by a function in C and explain with example
- How to print the Floyd's triangle in C? Explain with examples
- Pattern printing in C with examples
- Get the maximum occurrence of the character in the string with example in C
- Introduction to C++ Programming
- Introduction to Compiler
- Structure of C++ program
- C++ Variables, Keywords and Constants
- C++ Data Types
- C++ Basic Input/Output
- C++ Type Conversion
- C++ Operators
- C++ Comments
- C++ if-else
- C++ for Loop
- C++ while and do...while Loop
- C++ break and continue Statement
- C++ Switch and goto Statement
- C++ Functions
- C++ Function Types
- Why is the size of an empty class not zero in C++? Explain with example
- Multiple Inheritance with examples in C++
- How to write overloading function using operator [] in C++
- Does the virtual functions be inlined?
- What are default arguments in C++ with example
- How delete “this” operator works in C++ with example
- Merging of two files in C/C++ with examples
- Upcasting and Downcasting in C++ with examples
- What is a Memory leak? How the memory leaks occur in C++?
- Memory allocation, de-allocation using new and delete with examples
- What is the diamond problem and what is the virtual base class in C++?
- Smart Pointers implementation in C++ with examples
- C++ mutable keyword with example
- Friend classes in C++ with the examples
- What is name mangling in C++ and explain with example?
- Character arrays and String arrays in C++ with examples
- Macros in c++ with example
- is it possibility to overload main function in C++
- What are the functions that don’t automatically inherited from the base class?
- static_cast with example
- reinterpret_cast with Example
- const_cast with example
- dynamic_cast with Example
- Difference between ++*ptr and *ptr++ in C++ with examples