C++ while and do…while Loop

Loops play a vital role in programming as they allow us to repeat a specific set of instructions multiple times. In C++, two popular loop structures are the “while” loop and the “do-while” loop. These loops provide programmers with powerful tools to efficiently control the flow of their programs. In this article, we will explore the concepts of while and do-while loops in C++, along with some practical examples.

While Loop:

The while loop in C++ is a pre-test loop, meaning it checks the condition before executing the loop body. It continues to execute the loop until the condition evaluates to false. The general syntax of a while loop is as follows:

The condition is a Boolean expression that determines whether the loop body should be executed or not. If the condition evaluates to true, the loop body is executed, and after each iteration, the condition is re-evaluated. When the condition eventually becomes false, the loop terminates, and program control moves to the next statement after the loop.

Let’s consider an example to understand the while loop better. Suppose we want to print the numbers from 1 to 5:


In this example, the while loop checks whether i is less than or equal to 5. As long as the condition is true, the loop body executes, printing the value of i and incrementing it by 1. When i becomes 6, the condition evaluates to false, and the loop terminates.

Do-While Loop:

The do-while loop is a post-test loop, meaning it executes the loop body at least once, regardless of the condition. After executing the loop body, the condition is checked. If the condition is true, the loop continues to execute; otherwise, it terminates. The general syntax of a do-while loop is as follows:

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the do-while loop. Suppose we want to prompt the user for a number until they enter a negative value:


In this example, the do-while loop asks the user to input a number. It then displays the number and continues to execute as long as the input is not negative. Once the user enters a negative value, the condition becomes false, and the loop terminates.

In C++, the while and do-while loops provide powerful mechanisms to repeat a set of instructions until a condition is satisfied. The while loop executes the loop body based on a pre-test condition, while the do-while loop ensures the loop body is executed at least once, regardless of the condition. By understanding and utilizing these loop structures effectively, programmers can design programs that handle repetitive tasks and iterate over data efficiently.

While loops are suitable when the number of iterations is uncertain and depends on a specific condition. The loop body is executed only if the condition is true, and the condition is re-evaluated after each iteration. If the condition is initially false, the loop body is never executed.

Do-while loops, on the other hand, are useful when the loop body must execute at least once, regardless of the condition. The loop body is executed first, and then the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true, the loop continues to execute, and if it is false, the loop terminates.

It’s important to ensure that the loop condition eventually becomes false to avoid infinite loops. An infinite loop occurs when the condition is always true, causing the loop to run indefinitely. This can lead to program crashes and unintended consequences. Careful consideration of the loop condition and its updating mechanism is necessary to prevent such scenarios.

In conclusion, while and do-while loops are fundamental control structures in C++ that allow for repetitive execution of code blocks. The while loop executes the loop body based on a pre-test condition, while the do-while loop guarantees the execution of the loop body at least once, using a post-test condition. By mastering these loop structures and using them appropriately, programmers can write efficient and robust code that automates repetitive tasks and enhances program functionality.